We hope that you find the articles in Rural eSpeaking both interesting and useful.
- ‘Nuptial Settlements’: Have I made one?
- Fire Hazards: Look after your property
- Over the Fence: Health and safety legislation sentencing expected - Judgments of rural interest - Bobby calf regulations
NB: please note that after our e-newsletter had been put together and the PDF created, the first sentencing under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 was released. Budget Plastics (New Zealand) Limited was fined $100,000 and ordered to pay reparation totalling $37,500 after an employee caught his hand in the auger of a machine while loading material for recycling. The machine amputated a portion of the employees’ hand. This decision will be of interest to many and we will have a commentary on this in the Summer/December edition of Rural eSpeaking.