Our Community

Our Community Is Important to Us

Our partners and staff are involved in many business, charitable and leisure organisations in Hamilton and the Waikato communities, including the following:

Waikato Medical Research Foundation (WMRF)

We are very proud to support the work of the Waikato Medical Research Foundation (WMRF). Established in 1986 to promote, encourage and sustain medical research, this charitable foundation has made valuable contributions to research in areas such as leukemia, stroke, diabetes and head injury therapy. We think you will agree that theirs is a cause well worth supporting.

Soda Inc.

We are corporate partners with Soda Inc., the Waikato’s business start-up incubator, growing business success in creative industries.

The Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic

We are very proud to be the official lawyers to this legendary team of athletes.

Police Managers' Guild Trust

We are a long standing supporter of this Trust and their work in keeping our communities safe.


We are founding members of the Equine Industry Association, the first of its kind in New Zealand, supporting equine businesses with specialist equine legal advice throughout the country.

Mens Shed, Hamilton and Huntly

This community organisation is a well worthy recipient of our support. They do wonderful work and are very clever at their craft.

Arts for Health

Arts for Health is a community group dedicated to providing art therapy and opportunities to exhibit and celebrate artistic achievement.

The Heart Trust

Our firm is a long term supporter of The Heart Trust. This trust has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the Cardiac Unit at Waikato Hospital has world class equipment and professionals to operate it. The work of this trust helps Waikato people get access to the best treatment and we like that.